Knowledge and Belief: From The Head To The Heart

Waves in Ocean

My head knows, but my heart doesn’t always accept it.

Yes, oh yes, that’s how a lot of my life goes.

I know the truth. I know it.

But sometimes, I have a hard time believing.

There’s a saying that goes something like, “The eighteen inches between the head and the heart are the most dangerous eighteen inches in the world.”

Or something.

The point being, it’s not enough to just know something. It’s imperative that it’s also believed.

See, in my head, I know that God is good. Great, in fact. I know that He has great plans for me, and that He will never leave me or forsake me, and that I’m never alone, and that He has everything under control, and that I don’t need to worry.

I know all this. I really do.

But do I actually believe it?

Now here, I’m not trying to second-guess myself or anything like that. I’m not trying to “prove” that I believe and not just know, or “try to be better,” or whatever.

But it’s definitely more reassuring when I can believe something and not just know it.

For example, I can spout out facts all day long about how strong a trapeze is, and how there’s a totally-safe net under it, and how I have a tight harness, and how 105% secure I am on that trapeze. But it’s not very reassuring if I’m asked to get up there and don’t believe that I’m actually safe.


Because unless I believe something in my heart, pure and raw knowledge alone won’t get me to trust God with my life.

See, I know that God is good. Like I said. Like it says in the Bible. I know that He will take care of me, and I don’t need to worry.

But when the pressure turns on, and I have to trust God and trust Him alone, it’s hard. It’s hard to bring what I know in my head to be what I believe in my heart.

And every day I have a choice.

Because hard things happen, and life breaks us, and tears jump out of our eyes, and Satan stabs away our joy, we have a choice.

Do we jump on the trapeze in surrender and trust, or shrink back and spout out facts that we’ll never put into practice?

I’m going with the former.

I heard another quote, and it’s like this.

“Surrendering to God isn’t losing or giving up. It’s winning, because once we surrender to God, we have transferred to the ‘right’ side and we have already won.”

God has fought for our souls, and we have proof that He is good.

The Cross has proven to us that the love of God is great enough for us, that the grace of God is enough to carry us through it all, that the forgiveness of God is enough to change us from the inside out, that the peace of God is great enough to comfort us in terrible times of despair, and that the mercy of God was made manifest in the torture of His own Son – because of His compassionate and loving heart.

Doubts will creep in, and waves will crash down on me, and despair will plague me, and there will be times when I question if God is really enough. Times will come when I can’t see God past the cloud of worldliness. There are going to be days when I can’t feel the goodness of God, and it feels like Satan is winning.

But when I look at the Cross, it is the most powerful thing. The Cross is greater than all my doubts, insecurities, faithlessness, and hopelessness, for death itself has been defeated by what Jesus has done on the Cross for me.

The step of getting what I know from my head to my heart is a mere eighteen inches, albeit a very important eighteen inches.

The Cross is where knowledge turns to belief. There is proof.

Romans 5:8

But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

God loved us from the very beginning, but He proved it by sending His Son to save us.

Once we accept the Cross, there is a bridge between the head and the heart.

I pray that we would all accept the bridge, for it’s never worth it to live in unbelief!


9 Replies to “Knowledge and Belief: From The Head To The Heart”

  1. One of the things I love about your writing is it so brave and honest. You may be afraid inside but your writing shines with your trust and belief. I have a favorite quote and it goes….”I believe in the sun, even when it is not shining. I believe in love, even when I don’t feel it. I believe in God, even when he is silent.”


  2. This is so true. It’s hard to turn that head knowledge into heart knowledge. And so important. And I can’t really think of anything profound to say. Sorry. Painting. All day. 😛

    The trapeze thing makes me think of WPFP. 🙂


    1. Yes. Trusting is such a hard thing, even though it shouldn’t be.
      Oh my…sounds tiring!
      It makes me think of WPFP too, which is partially why I wrote it, and also because I thought it was a good analogy. XD #fangirl over here.


  3. This is so true. I have the hardest time with this so often. And sometimes I’ll seriously sit down and try to “push it into my heart” and then wonder why it doesn’t work…I wish I was kidding. But you explained it so well: It’s when we have the opportunity to put trust into practice that it makes the transfer. Thanks for this! 🙂

    Also, I saw that WPFP reference. 😉


    1. Thank you, Amanda! I struggle with it from time to time as well (hence the article about it). 🙂 So glad that you were impacted by it!
      Haha yep, I just can’t help being a WPFP freak, now, can I? But I thought it fit. So I used it. 😛


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