When Your Soul is Longing to Be Enough




I have a love/hate relationship with that word; the whole concept of adequacy and fullness.


Because deep inside of me, there’s this longing to be truly enough…and an aching dread that I never will be.


I know that sounds extremely un-Christian and negative, so please do hear me out. This is something I think really needs to be addressed.


In a world that seems to require perfection, how can we, as imperfect humans, truly live freely?

Continue reading “When Your Soul is Longing to Be Enough”

For When You Need Grace to Replace The Guilt

For When You Need Grace to Replace The Guilt.jpg

Sometimes, a day’s worth of writing is made up of a lot of staring at blank pages and waiting for the words to come.


And some days, it takes so much energy to do simple tasks, to check things off a to-do list, to convince ourselves to do things we know we need to do.


And on those days, the ones filled with procrastination and lack of motivation, we can often let ourselves be overcome with guilt.


Guilt. The opposite of freedom.

Continue reading “For When You Need Grace to Replace The Guilt”

How Simple Belief Rescues Our Souls (Hebrews Bible Study: Week 3)

How Simple Belief Rescues Our Souls (Hebrews Bible Study_ Week 3)

I can’t believe it’s already Tuesday again! Happy Hebrews Summer Bible Study, my friends.


Grab some coffee (or the beverage of your choice), and come sit outside with me and as all of us study the scriptures together.


If you’re new, you’re welcome to hop right in where we are now! You don’t have to have done the first two weeks if you haven’t done them yet, but of course it’ll only help and give you a chance to get a feel for what we’re doing here.

Continue reading “How Simple Belief Rescues Our Souls (Hebrews Bible Study: Week 3)”