Enough: my battle with the hustle, the stress, and the busy, and how I found rest


It’s Saturday morning.


Rainy and chilly, I tiptoe across the living room carpet, coffee in hand, hair thrown haphazardly into a messy bun. I breathe.


After a week of running fast and hard, it’s finally quiet. No more hustle. Just me. It’s a refreshing change of pace, but I find my mind spinning with thoughts to make up for the lack of stimulation in tasks, math problems, and meals to cook.


I think about how much I absolutely adore New York City. I love the noise, the lights, the crowds, the pace. I’m enamored with the culture, the resilience, the opportunities.


But maybe, sometimes, I identify with it a little too much? I fill my life with faster, louder, more, more, more. I say YES and tack more onto my to-do list, put more friends and meetings on my calendar, apply to serve in my church more and more and more and more – and then I collapse. Hard.


Because I tell myself I can’t rest, I shouldn’t take the time to be refreshed. And it’s not as though I don’t rest – just that often, those times are laden with feelings of guilt.


Because don’t I need to do more? Be more? Write more? Work more? Study more? Sing more? Don’t I need to prove that I can be independent, capable, and strong? That I can meet people’s expectations?


Don’t I need to prove that I’m enough? Continue reading “Enough: my battle with the hustle, the stress, and the busy, and how I found rest”

Beautiful and Bright {Guest Post at Moriah Mari}

Beautiful and Bright

This week, I had the opportunity to write for my friend and classmate Moriah over at her blog, Moriah Mari. She has a lovely blog that I think you’ll all really enjoy, and this post, while written more in the style of a short story than my usual journal-style, is a side of me that I tend to write less from, though I love it. Go on over and read the post and give Moriah a follow!

It’s not every night that’s as beautiful as this one.

It’s been a long day. I’m exhausted in all senses of the term, having worked all day while wrestling with issues concerning me, my future, my plans.

And it’s starting to feel like too much.

I crawl into bed and slip under my covers, pulling my fleece sheets to my chin and letting my soft white comforter envelop me. My head hits the pillow, Beethoven’s piano sonatas playing in my ears, and I finally have a chance to breathe.



My eyes lazily drift to the window next to my bed, and at once I see the stars glisten in the midnight sky, so clear, so breathtaking.

They’re beautiful and bright, and something hits me hard in this moment – something I can barely begin to put into the right words. Continue reading “Beautiful and Bright {Guest Post at Moriah Mari}”

Why I Hate Four O’Clock and Fridays


It’s sheer irony that I’m writing this at four o’clock on a Friday afternoon.


This post has been gradually constructing itself in my head for a few months now, through the ups and downs of assignments and writing projects and stress and joy and all the lovely and not-so-lovely things that my life’s made up of.


Every day, around four o’clock in the afternoon, I get this feeling I can’t quite explain. It’s something of dread, of feeling as though I’ve wasted the day, this overwhelming sense of not-enough-ness.


It’s weird.


And Fridays, you know, “Thank God it’s Friday?” Those days send me into a panicked frenzy…because there’s something that’s taken me a few YEARS to fully understand, but it’s been here for a while:


It’s the feeling that the weekend’s finally here, but I haven’t done enough.

Continue reading “Why I Hate Four O’Clock and Fridays”

When Your Soul is Longing to Be Enough




I have a love/hate relationship with that word; the whole concept of adequacy and fullness.


Because deep inside of me, there’s this longing to be truly enough…and an aching dread that I never will be.


I know that sounds extremely un-Christian and negative, so please do hear me out. This is something I think really needs to be addressed.


In a world that seems to require perfection, how can we, as imperfect humans, truly live freely?

Continue reading “When Your Soul is Longing to Be Enough”

Find Joy in the Journey

Find Joy in the Journey

Friend, find joy in the journey. No, it’s not always easy. But I assure you, it’s always worth it.

Continue reading “Find Joy in the Journey”

How to Effectively Deal With Burnout

How to Effectively Deal With Burnout.png


Want to know a fact of life? We all deal with burnout from time to time.


I know. Not a very nice way to begin a blog post. BUT FEAR NOT, MY FRIENDS. I have some very good tips that I hope will help you as much as they’ve helped me.

Continue reading “How to Effectively Deal With Burnout”

It’s Okay To Rest.

It's Okay To Rest.


It’s okay to rest.


I know, I know. This message that I’m about to share is probably not what most people are going to tell you.


We hear Christians everywhere, saying “Do this project!” and “Accomplish this task!” and “Work hard to serve God!”


But if we never realize that it’s actually a good thing to rest in Jesus for a while, we’ll easily burn out.


We hear messages like Do Hard Things, and get inspired to “work hard for God.” There is a time and place for that, of course. I’m not going to minimize the message of Do Hard Things or any others like it.


However, so many times, we try to do something big. Really big. Really significant. But in our own strength. And we burn out and become discouraged.


Doing hard things is a great concept, but it can easily become just like the story of Mary and Martha.  Are we so focused on doing things for God that we neglect to get to know Him?


Matthew 18:28-30

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”


Rest is a good thing. In resting, we get to cast our cares at the feet of Jesus.


1 Peter 5:7

“Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.”


Psalm 55:22

“Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.”


We can’t depend on our own strength to accomplish big things. For one, we can’t do it alone. And when we try, we become discouraged because we burn out.


Rest is important.


By growing our relationship with Jesus, we get to know Him. We get to set our anxieties of all kinds aside and rejoice in His strength over our own. We grow in our knowledge of Him, and also our personal knowledge of Him. He isn’t just the Lord, but He is a Friend Who Sticks Closer Than a Brother (Proverbs 18:24).


When we rest in Him, and not fret over big projects because we feel obligated to do them, we choose the greater thing.


I cited Mary and Martha earlier, and here is Jesus’ response to Martha preparing a huge dinner while Mary listens to Jesus:


But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.” – Luke 10:41-42


Work is good, of course! But if we work so hard that we lose sight of the One we should be doing it for, it becomes meaningless and can render us useless.


Whether you’re 13 or 93, know that it really is okay to rest.


Don’t get bogged down by obligation to serve God. Instead, rest and grow in Christ and let that fuel you to do what He leads you to do.


Because honestly, that is what will allow us to be effective.

