Living Every Little Moment: Experiencing A Full Life Right Here and Now

Living Every Little Moment Experiencing A Full Life Right Here and Now.png

As I learn to live, as I grow, as I experience life – I’m realizing that sometimes, life isn’t what it seems.


It’s hard, sure. It’s messy. Problems arise, we hurt and things break us, and it’s not easy to deal with all of it, oftentimes.


But truly…life can be simple.


I often overthink. Overplan. Overworry. Overdo everything, because I feel like I might mess things up if I don’t.


You know?

When we’re stressed over life issues, and all we can do is keep worrying? When instead, all that worrying’s not truly helping us.


So yeah, I’ve been thinking about how exactly to live, and it’s shocking how powerful one little phrase can be.


But life should just be this: our whispers of, “Here’s my heart, God. Do with it what You please.”


God doesn’t use us in a tyrannical way, not in an over-sovereign, abusively authoritarian way, but in this way – out of His love for us. We can let Him lead because He is God, and we are not.


“Here’s my heart” might sound like a dangerous prayer to pray. And it is, in a sense. But what it does is say, “God, I trust that You know what You are doing, and I want to be a part of that. I want You to show me what I can do, in light of Your infinite wisdom.”


And day after day? It’s not all about the big changes. It’s not all about what we can accomplish by our strength and hard work. It’s not all about that, because our accomplishments, however great they may be, are not great enough to satisfy our hearts.


But living day by day, moment by moment, doing what God leads us to – even the little things – that’s what makes life beautiful.


Life’s beautiful when we offer our hearts to our God – to say “Your ways are better than mine, and I choose to trust you.”


It’s easy to get caught up in the complicated and chaotic things of our lives, to spend more time stressing than seeing blessings. I get it. And I’m sure you do, as well.


But our lives are simply made up of small choices, little decisions we make as the days go on.


We can choose joy, or choose to grumble.


We can choose to build into others, or only ourselves.


We can choose to pursue our God-given passions, or choose to half-heartedly follow everything that comes our way.


We can choose to trust the One who holds the world together, or choose to doubt.


We can choose to serve God today, not simply thinking about our own desires, but on aligning ours with His.


We so often make this much too complicated.


The choices to have joy, to life fully, to pursue our passions, to invest in other people, to let ourselves grow spiritually – they’re found in the everyday moments.


They’re found even when we wake up bleary-eyed, when we have to drag ourselves out of bed to start the day, when we’re stressed over work and school, when we’re interacting with the people in our lives, when we’re exhausted and worn out at the end of a long day – our choice to say “here’s my heart” to God is right before us.


Glorifying God, living for Him, pleasing Him – it’s not some mystical affair. It’s inviting Him into our every moments, especially in those moments where we’re not at our best.


It’s about allowing His strength to be present in our lives.


It’s about trusting Him, and moving forward confidently, knowing that He will show us what comes next.


Maybe it’s not easy. Maybe it’s a struggle to relinquish our grasp on what we want the future to hold. Maybe it’s difficult to let go of control.


I understand, really.


But it’s simple. Live fully, breathe deeply, love madly. And let God lead, in every little moment.


And perhaps, in doing so, you’ll find that same kind of freedom that I’ve discovered.


It’s breathtaking.



10 Replies to “Living Every Little Moment: Experiencing A Full Life Right Here and Now”

  1. “Live fully, breathe deeply, love madly. And let God lead, in every little moment.” This, THIS should become a famous quote from the (soon-to-be) famous author Amanda Beguerie!
    Additionally, You write what people are THINKING in their heads and hearts. You give validity to peoples’ thoughts and feelings. THANK YOU for your commitment(even when it means L A T E nights,) to blogging and writing!


  2. Twinsie, I so, so needed this right now.

    Your whole last couple of paragraphs hit me right in the heart, but especially this line today: “Maybe it’s a struggle to relinquish our grasp on what we want the future to hold.”

    Here’s my heart, God. Do with it what You please.


  3. This…is amazing.

    Every single time I read your blog, I am absolutely blown away by the power behind your words. Thank you so much for this wonderful message. It always seems that whenever I’m in a bit of a slump, I stumble across one of your posts, and immediately I feel rejuvenated.

    Your posts are some of my favorites. Keep up the amazing work!!!! 😀


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