Happy Anniversary, Scattered Journal Pages + a Giveaway

Happy Anniversary, Scattered Journal Pages + a Giveaway.png




I can’t believe it’s been two years since the inception of this blog; two long years, yet it feels like a blink to me.


Looking back on old posts today was nostalgic and slightly embarrassing as I read over the awkwardly-crafted words – but it reminded me of the adventure I’ve been on since 2015.


I’ve learned so much just by going for it. By living. By trying new things, like starting a blog when I had absolutely no idea what I was doing.


I’ve learned that people connect with honesty, vulnerability, and openness, instead of someone trying too hard to be funny.


I’ve learned how important it is to listen – not just talk.

Continue reading “Happy Anniversary, Scattered Journal Pages + a Giveaway”

Celebrating Life (with LIVE RECORDED SONG + annual survey)

Celebrating Life (with LIVE RECORDED SONG + annual survey).png

I absolutely, positively, love life.


Not that it’s easy, or pain-free, or pleasant all the time. It’s not.


But after a long string of posts about God feeling so far away, and finding hope in pain, and saying no, and inadequacy, and doubting God’s promises, and searching for meaning – I think we need a post on celebrating life.


Sometimes we wake up in the mornings, with a to-do list a mile long, a mess to clean up, and stress to deal with – and it’s honestly rather difficult at times.


But what if we decided to wake up with joy?

Continue reading “Celebrating Life (with LIVE RECORDED SONG + annual survey)”

It’s My Blogiversary!

It's My Blogiversary!



Wow, this year has been incredible. I had no idea I would ever come this far, and it’s only been one year.


I’ve gotten views from over 80 countries, have accumulated 180 followers, and 1,200 comments have been posted.


I’ve posted 116 blog posts on this site, and have learned so much.


To all of you who comment regularly, thank you. Without your encouragement, I’m not sure if I would have pressed on during those difficult nights when I really just wanted to go to bed.


Thank you to all of you readers, whether you’ve commented or not. Seeing new followers every few days makes my heart so happy.


Since February 17th, 2015, I’ve learned to stick to my word. When I say I’m going to post every Tuesday and Saturday, I really do mean it. I’ve grown in my faith by staying in the Bible and writing out the truths I know in my heart. I’ve met so many wonderful people, had so many uplifting conversations, and personally matured so much.


Through this blog, I’ve found my voice. For years, it’s been so hard for me to speak my heart as a naturally quiet and reserved person. But through blogging, I’ve gotten to know myself, developed my writing, and pursued my passion for sharing Jesus with the world.


It’s been great.


I have a survey at the end of this post, and I would so appreciate it if you all would take five minutes to fill it out. I’m trying to improve my blog the best I can this next year. But before I do that, I’d like to give a few updates.


Firstly, even though I didn’t start out this way, I’m now responding to all of your comments. So don’t be shy! Chime in on my posts, and we can discuss. I love getting to know new people and seeing your points of view.


Secondly, you can follow me on social media. I’m on Google+, Twitter, Goodreads, and Pinterest.


Thirdly, I’m no longer doing tags or blog awards. Thank you all so much for nominating me time and time again, but I tend not to get around to them and find them not to (usually) fit my blog.


Fourthly, I’m starting to experiment with graphic design via Canva. It takes me longer to make a header than just picking a stock photo, but I’m enjoying using it (and I’m also enjoying its benefits through social media).


Fifthly, if you’d like me to write a guest post for one of your blogs, feel free to email me through the Contact Me form. I’d like to branch out and do more of that this year as I’m available.


Here’s that survey I was telling you about.


Thank you all for your readership. I know that I wouldn’t be where I am without all of you, and for that, I’m extremely grateful.

